He He I'm downloading a film in an all night internet cafe, can't sleep so what better way to kill time at night.
Like I said up until this year I didn't know anything as I only passed my Motorcycle test in May this year and bought the bike shortly after, if you check the mods and the servicing pages you will see that I just did a FULL 12,000 miles service myself inc. greasing EVERYTHING.
The GS-911 saved my arse in Spain I kind of dropped the bike hard not quite an off more a walk off. When I went to start the bike it wouldn't start for anything I checked the kill switch was on, key position, and that the spark was connected ok, and the lights came on when I turned the key. So after that I had run out of ideas so I called up BMW and they said it would have to be put on the machine, eep don't think so buddy at your  prices.
So I plugged the GS-911 into the bike and it basically said ignition problem, so I checked the wiring all looked fine (remember the lights came on when turning the key), but as I knew the problem was in getting the bike started and the problems was in the ignition circuit I looked at the kill switch again.
No it wasn't off but.... the button was pushed slightly out, 10 minutes later I had rebuilt the kill switch by shorting it out and the bike started first time. I rebuilt the switch later that day when stopping for gas. It's got a funny little ball bearing inside it with a spring and that's what had came loose, luckily it was still in the housing but without the GS-911 to do its work I'd have spent a lot more of my time trying to figure out what was wrong.
I mainly wanted it for quick roadside repairs and for making sure I wasn't getting ripped off by garages buying parts that weren't needed. If I had to score the GS-911 it would be a full TEN out of TEN just for peace of mind.
Last edited by juddadredd; 29 Nov 2007 at 02:38.
Reason: spelling mistakes tut tut tut