i feel your pain
hi there,
i have a similar problem with my 83 r80gs which has 1000 bmw barrels on it, but i'm not sure if it has 1000 heads.
i get 11.5km/l in city commuting. it starts without choke when cold and blows a bit of black smoke when reved hard, the plugs are also pretty black.
i have rebuilt the carbs, before that i was getting 10km/l.
i am thinking of jetting it to the same specs as the r100rt as it has 32mm carbs, that would give a 135 main jet and 2.66 needle jet.
does anyone have any comments?
also what compression should i expect? i think its around 100 psi.
does anyone think its worth pulling the heads off to see what size the valves are or is there an easier way?