R1100 GS - unable to rev properly after minor fall
Hi everyone,
I had a minor accident with my new '96 GS falling on sand at around 20 mph and after this whenever I open the throttle when it gets to around 5000 rpm it stumbles (sorry my non-techincal description) as if it was out of gas.
If I fully open the throttle it does the same even at lower revs. It is very annoying and nobody could tell what this was. I checked the cables, hoses, levers, everything is place...
Somebody told me that it should be the tip-over sensor. Could that be the case?
I went today to the local BMW dealer asking for the tip-over sensor and they told me they didn't know what this was.
Tomorrow I will take the bike to the shop to have it checked, but I am very curious what exactly could it be...
'96 R1100 GS
'06 Husaberg Fe550