Well, I should be in Spain right now enjoying a San Miguel while looking out over the Mediterranean in 60 degree temps. As fate would have it a wonderful snowstorm nailed the east and canceling my connection and basically my trip. So, I am still stuck in Maine but the bike can continue being worked on while enjoying local craft
and sub freezing temps.
So it continues, sorry no photos today
2/1/11 update
I contacted the powder coater today and told him I'm around due to the cancelled trip and that he can step up the pace if he wants.
Went to the shed today to look at those relay connectors. Yup...2 are different in regards to mounting. I may first try to bend the tab vertical from horizontal and if this is not possible then just switch out the connector. Weird they are different.
About 1:30 during the snowstorm I got a call from the wife and said the car lost power and died 4 miles from home. Great says I as I grab a rope and the jeep. Get there and see the problem. The water pump bearings gave up the ghost seizing the pump and wetting itself while toasting the serpentine belt thus bogging and stalling the car on a hill in a snowstorm. So I rig up the rope, tow her home. Verify my prognosis with the Bentley manual and the idiotweb. Verified
Spent most of the afternoon in the snow with now fading light ripping the old one out. I was right it was toast. Ordered a new one from Bav auto.
Oh did I mention that it too is a BMW, a 328i and I did all this with the on board tool kit
2/2/11 update
I heard the little furry bastard in PA did not see his shadow. Then again there are three snowstorms forecasted so not sure who is right
Currently snowing here today, 14-20 forecasted. I was able to get the mail and I had a box from Canada with my Omega 450 system in it
That thing is a work of art.
Not going to need these, may ask Rick at motorrad if he wants to trade towards a coil
Spent the day soldering....damn I suck at that. :lol3 Eventually got a solid three connections that didn't look like crap and were solid. I may have to recover that first wire though there is no chance of it shorted.
The kit came with a housing so was able to keep mine in mostly one piece.
Along with the kit I also got part of another Canadian box I'm expecting. Stainless Steel spokes for the wheel. I may end up just selling these as I don't think I will use them.
Eventually I made it down to the shed, got a bit of cabin fever. Used the fancy rotor bolt and popped the rotor clear off. Then removed the timing cover and replaced the chain, tensioner and spring. Yes I make it sound easy....but it was not. That damn master link is a royal PITA to install. Sometimes working on this bike I feel like a surgeon. Today placed rags in the oil holes while maneuvering the master link with forceps. Meanwhile I was keeping the plunger at bay with needle nose vise grips. Ugh
I did notice that the new spring was about 1/2" longer and that the tensioner was beginning to chip apart. Probably about time it gets replaced. There was some play on the old chain, but not too much.
Before you ask, those specs you see on the metal are not specs of dust, but frost.....
The oil seal on the timing cover was pretty well bonded to the cover. I had to use a drift to force it out and it left plastic behind that I had to remove with a torch and brass feeler gauge. Worst seal yet.
Also, I found out about a great source of wiring stuff. Beaver power at
Motorcycle Relay Kits, Parts, Powerlet, Centech, Posi-Lock, and More! I will be getting a few things from them to make life good on the bike