With 2 up and loaded, I would guess that your shock should have the 'preload' set on maximum. This would require threading the coller to the bottom of the thread, compressing the spring. This somewhat depends on the weight of the spring. Some manufacturers have different spring weights set up for heavy/ light riders, but I don't think that Technoflex offers this unless you ordered it specifically, so it is probably averaged, meaning you should crank up the preload of the spring to compensate for the heavy weight you have.
For the compression dampening adjustment of the shock, I am 99% sure that that turning it clockwise (looking at it from the top, turn as you would to tighten a screw or bolt) will increase the dampening, but restricting the flow of oil in and out of the shock chambers. That would reduce the bounciness your are experiencing now. experimenting with the extremes should reveal the right setting very quickly.
Good luck!