rev counter wacky thang!
hi there Bm freaks ..
lately my f650gs (2007 model) does this wacked thing - I'm driving along and after about 15 minutes on the freeway, the power dips suddenly .. and the rev counter goes wacky, it would go off the clock if it could ..
all goes back to normal with the power after a second or two .. but the rev counter stays on max
when I get to the side of the road and turn off the bike, the rev counter is fine when the bike goes on again ..
the BM crew just fixed my brights and hooter, saying it was a worn cable behind the headlight
when I took bike back, they removed the cables from the main frame of the bike, saying this is where the cables wear through, but the problem persists ..
any idea what this could be?  Must I replace the battery? Is it the rev counter, or an electrical problem?
Would appreciate suggestions, thanks ...