Touratech Pannier Rack for 1100GS help needed
I've just ordered some Mosko Moto soft panniers for my 1100GS which need to be fitted to 18mm tube diameter pannier rails. I like the look of the TT stainless ones for the Zega Pro boxes- these ones:
My problem is that the back plates for the panniers need to be clamped to the rails and the rails look pretty tight to the exhaust on the picture above- the bottom two clamps may rub on the exhaust if the rail is too close. Has anyone got these rails (not the black ones which will definitely work) fitted to an 1100GS that could take some pictures so I can see if there is enough space. The Mosko panniers are so new they aren't shipping yet so they may not have been able to check if they fit these rails.
The backplate:
Last edited by reggie3cl; 19 May 2014 at 22:53.