Originally Posted by Sheikyabooty
Just wondering what can or should be done to prepare my bike for my rtw trip?
hard to answer generally, but why not buy the recently released bmw-rtw adventure kid at least?
basically it adds to the costs of a R12GS only marginally. it is a lightweight package and surprisingly enough it supplies no tools at all, but a little screwdriver.
What do i need todo to my 1200gsa for a rtw trip - Page 3 - The HUBB
the more useful tool is a handy satellite fone/gps unit with a small solar panel and with predefined buttons to call for help in (if i recall right) 37 different languages. if i understood right, this device connects automatically to the nearest bmw world travellers help center as soon you hit the button installed right under the kill switch.
additionally this device will automatically read the error chipset and send it to bmw. they promise, you will receive a reply within 10 minutes and tell you what you have to do next step by step. if i understood bmw right, to set up this system was finally much cheaper than to provide every sold bike with a new oil-pump controller, for example.
imo an elegant way to delegate end control from the company to the customer and create the thrilling feeling of a test rider.
the last useful item i want to mention, is the german tourenfahrer world travellers hotel guide. the only minus is, that is shows their own recommended hotels only. but at least you can be sure, that you will get everything a modern rtw rider with only basic experience needs. i was told that they even set up your gps unit for the next leg of your trip.
i don't remember all, so you better should ask your bmw-dealer, though i am not sure, that all of them offer this pretty new service already.
but what eventually popped into my eyes, was the bmw manufactured aerosol dirt-spay, originally developed by hein-gericke here in germany. best for the cool look at the end of a day full of adventures.
we tested both the bmw and the hein-gericke manufactured recently. sorry, we could not decide for one.
good luck and let us know, how you continued...