hello folks !
Maybe I can get some hint here for the following:
Last week I replaced the front tyre of my 07 R1200GS after 13K miles on it. Had Battlewing, and replaced by a Metz Tourance, a tyre I was used to in my old R1100GS, with a very good performance. Yesterday I was riding home at about 75 miles/hour and there was a small water spot on the road, really small, some 1 yd by 0,5 yd. The spot was in a light curve to the right and as the tyre reached the water bike´s front slid severely, but nothing happened to the rear tyre. I was pretty scared because it was a normal road condition, and such thing was very unexpected to me.
Comments / sugestions will be highly appreciated.
Cheers !
Last edited by Reynaldo; 6 Aug 2009 at 00:09.