Right i have read though all the posts and have to say thanks to all. The reason for the late reply is once i posted this thread i havent been able to access any of the updated posted till now dont know why that is!!!!!
Anyway. The sportster 533 is the cheapest but from those measurements sounds quiet bulky. 150mm ie 15cm is quiet alot but it is cheap and dare i say it sounds simple and easy to use with out any massive input. (petrol in, light *100000)
I liked the look of the back packers one and the exponent but have yet to search for any prices but as some one posted £66 for one of them this might be the middle ground that i was looking for in cookers. Will have to see about sizes now before i comment any more .
How much is alot of cleaning? Like how many times would you have needed to clean it for say a 2 month trip with only using bad petrol unleaded and leaded(used 2 times a day)???