GP V MX V Road boots
Hi all,
Planning my first trip fro three months Germany to Mongolia and back, everything is pretty much squared away other than boots.
I am leaning towards GP boots, which I guess are Military style well above the ankle lace up boots, water proof design and comfortable to walk in meaning taking walking boots isn't required, or...
MX boots, I have a pair of Alpine Star Tech 8s which are great on the bike (offer good protection against dogs etc...) but like ski boots to walk in, bulky and heavy, or...
Road boots, I have Forma Revenge boots, they are comfortable, waterproof, not much higher than a GP boot. Again not suitable for getting off the bike and walking around.
I see a lot of people like MX boots, but the idea of spending 3 months in my Tech 8s seems painful.
If I can get the GP boots 95% waterproof is there any reason not to go for them?