Roof Tents...
Sorry not got one for sale - sold the last on in the UK a year ago... it's replacement was bought direct from the maker though...
Without wanting to go into all the detail - we bought our first in the UK - a Howling moon - great bit of kit from their agent in North Yorkshire.... got the touring option... very expensive though.... and NO after sales service... i.e. wanting to pass it on as we had left the country and couldn't take it with us... sold 2nd hand for not a lot...
got out replacement direct from Hannibal as NO ONE ELSE was prepared to speak to an individual about selling outside an agent... Jaques has been a star at Hanibal and organised air frieght the lot.... and a LOT cheaper...
If you can afford it but new and get a hanibal... they rock - and I've tested ours in ALL SORTS of conditions from Heat to mountain passes with normal tents being blown away!!!!!
They rock....
Tony Robson
I'll try anything once, twice if it didn't kill me!