Originally Posted by kentfallen
If you ride a pushbike or walk and really do need to cut down on bulk & weight then go for a single lightweight jobby otherwise go for a model which allows you to sleep without having to "mount" you're best mate!
It all boils down to what your willing to manage day-to-day. You can pack for the hike (ride) or you can pack for the camp. There's one extreme or the other. What you need to find is that happy medium somewhere between the two that your happy with.
Are you camping because you want too? Then you might be more willing to manage gear that's heavier and more voluminous.
Or are you hauling camping gear because you think you may need it? Then ask yourself, are you willing to carry it all and never use it.
Last edited by dlh62c; 14 Nov 2011 at 17:59.