The trick with the Exped downmats is not to over inflate them . The ideal pressure varies from person to person but in answer to your question, no , my bum is clear of the ground if you inflate them correctly. The pressure may seem too soft but after inflating to about 2/3rds you kneel on them on all fours and if your finger tips can just feel the ground through the mat you are about right. If you can't feel the ground they are too hard and if you solidly touch the ground then they are too soft. I sleep like a log on them ....even without a skin full of alcohol to help me on the way 
The other great thing is the ground insulation. In cold weather you really feel your body heat being reflected back to you - I'm not sure how this works but being down filled and with insulating foil I guess it works somehow. You'll not feel the cold ground anymore for sure.
If you want a cheap solution and you sleep ok on you cheap airbed except for when it's cold ground, go to your local DIY store and get some foam backed foil from the central heating department. It the stuff they use to put behind radiators to reflect the heat back into the room. It's cheap as chips and if you put a sheet of this under your LIDL air mattress it will reflect your body heat really well. I did this for years before splashing out on the Exped. The foam backed foil costs just a few pounds and packs up light and small too. TIP: Buy a sheet about 20% bigger than your mattress all round so when you roll off the edges you are still over the insulation
Last edited by Gecko; 7 Aug 2007 at 14:09.