Buying a Falcon in Guatemala
I am planning on moving to and perhaps eventually retiring in Central America in 2010. I have visited Costa Rica three times. The last time I rented a bike for ten days. I love the place but feel I need to live there a while before permanently ditching the US.
First I would need to learn the language. Quetzaltenango Guatemala has many schools and would seem a good place to spend a few months. Inexpensive and surrounded by beautiful mountains(Volcanoes?). But I can not go that long without a ride!
Does anyone know if it is feasible for a gringo to buy a bike in one CA country, Costa Rica, and move to another one,Guatemala. Would I have to pay huge taxes in one country then again in the next one? Perhaps it would make more sense to buy the bike in Costa Rica then ride to Guatemala. Maybe I will like Guatemala so much that I will want to stay there and would be faced with the same dilemma!
Is there a source on the web or anywhere that could help me with these questions?
Thanks for any advice.