Just this past October I bought a TVIP at the Pichilingue ferry terminal BANJERCITO office and asked specifically if a person coming off a ferry from the mainland could cancel the TVIP at that office .
The answer was NO , that can not be done . CANCELLATIONS can only be done at the border points before one leaves Mexico be it at the USA end or at Central America . This will also apply to your case. The Pichilingue office only sells the TVIP for people going TO THE MAINLAND , it does not cancel them.
IF YOUR TVIP IS GOING TO EXPIRE THEN SO WILL YOUR FMM BE DUE TO EXPIRE. These two documents are tied as to expiry dates.The FMM can only be obtained at the border entrance points if one is driving into Mexico . Even if you were to buy a new TVIP only in Pichilingue then it would be dated to expire coincident with the FMM You have.
To preserve your deposit money You have to either head back north to the border to cancel the TVIP before it expires and then buy a new one for 180 days AND at the same time you should also cancel the old FMM and then get a new FMM.
At that point it would make no sense to go back to the Ferry , and you can head south on the mainland side of the Sea of Cortez.
OR you could within the remaining valid time on your current TVIP and FMM take the ferry to the mainland and make it a point to go to Chiapas and one of the border crossings there to cancel and RENEW BOTH documents for another 180 day period . That way you will prevent the loss of your security deposit . You will not need to actually cross the border out of Mexico .
Considering that in an earlier post you stated that you entered Mexico on 1/1/2020 you still should have almost four months of TVIP time left so your worries are premature , it seems . I would say carry on and visit the southern border when expiry time nears for your documents and renew both then- it should be late June .
Your case is a good lesson for tourists who want to spend a long time in Baja and intend to go the ferry route but are unsure of how long that may be .
It would be smart to visit BAJA with only the requisite FMM and to then retreat to the NORTH border to get a fresh FMM and TVIP for the maximum possible length of stay on the mainland .
Last edited by Sjoerd Bakker; 9 Feb 2020 at 14:00.
Reason: Spacing paragraph