I know there are alot of info about the darian, but maybe this up to date info is of great use to fellow cheapskate adventurers like myself....
Are you more about saving your money than your time, then try this.
I crossed the Darian gap from TURBO (Columbia) to Carti (PANAMA) for 230 Dollars. This is 500 dollars than the next cheapest way from Cartagena to Carti for 750. On a tour boat (e.g.
panama_cartagena_tours_es )
It could be easier than this but when I turn up somewhere I dont like to wait around, I like to go on, even if it is only to the next stop. Which is not always the best course of action but the one that I take.
1st boat
Turbo to Capurgana, on the
New Jerusulum, 50 dollars
day and a half, I couldn't go with it.. cargo only.. (I went on a speed boat 20 dollars)
went well ....my bike arrived
Capurgana to Puerto Olbidia 40 dollars
Puerto Olbidia is just across the Panamanian border, 45 min trip
Huge waves, small boat, I was soaked to the skin, so was bike
Puerto Olbidia to the
El Arfi in a small boat, 6 dollars,
El Arfi couldnt get to the dock
Went fine.
Puerto Olbidia to Carti in the
El Arfi, 100 dollars
8 days it was to take, but it took 9.
Carti to the LAND in small boat (lancha) 14 dollars.
That is how I did it, and how I saved 500 dollars -thats a hell of a lot of

but now knowing what I know I would just call Rafa, the boss of the El Arfi and ask him when he is going to be leaving Turbo for Panama and plan your trip in advance, this way you could get your bike onto the El Arfi in turbo all the way to Carti, or if you have more time, you could go on to Porvenir. He reglarly makes the trip although from turbo to carti would be more than 9 days.
You get to see alot of the Kuna indian villages outside the corrupting reach of the San blas tourists and this for me was good. If you want to see pictures or read more about this journey check out my blog post for the boat trip
Argentina2Alaska's Travel Blog at Footstops.com - Free Travel Map & Photo Blog for Travellers
My bike was a BMWF650, if your is a 1200 or another big bike he will try to charge you more and with a hardly valid reason, weight.
but then its time for your bargaining skills to kick in. Good luck
Rafa (Raphael), Boss on the El Arfi
PH; Columbia 827 2592 or Columbian Cell phone 311 627 8420
There is also another boat called the Cisne that travels a little bit faster than the Arfi but it only goes between Puerto Olbidia and Carti.
If you are staying in Capurgana (real nice village) contact Joey Silver of ¨Cabana Darius¨, he can help you out with boat info and accomodation, a nice guy from hawaii
joeysilver@hotmail.com or phone columbia 314 6468 974
Suerte !!