Buy Insurance!
Hi Lunapix, it is true you might not be asked to prove you have insurance unless you have an accident.
But, I have lived in Mexico for 3 years and as recently as a couple years ago rode through Mexico. Sit down, my boy, and let me explain the facts of life.
If you are involved in an accident with substantial property damage or any injury that requires hospitalization, here are some facts to consider.
The Mexican police, on the streets, are not trained or allowed to determine fault. They generally arrest everyone involved in a serious accident, who does not have insurance. This is done to prevent anyone escaping responsibility for the accident. If you have insurance, the police will verify that insurance with the insurance company, and unless the accident involves, significant property damage, a death or possibility of death, you probably will not be detained.
If you are arrested, for not having insurance, or because the accident is very serious, you might be in a Mexican jail for weeks, even months, waiting for your turn to go before a judge, who is qualified to determine fault in the accident.
Without insurance, you stay in jail until the judge sorts out who was at fault.
If you have insurance, your insurance agent may be able to have you released from jail, while you wait your turn before the judge. I have known of foreign tourists being held for 6 months before their involvement in an accident could be sorted out by a judge.
Please consider these facts, before deciding to buy or not to buy insurance before entering Mexico.
Ride Free, Eat, Drink and Be Careful and buy insurance damit.
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