Hey guys, my friend Eddie (
Mazaev) just crossed a river and had his bike drown.
He is not the best mechanic out there, I told him to lay the bike over, pull the top off the bike to let the warm sun evaporate as much water as it can. Pull and check the air filter.
Make sure there is no water in the spark plug boots, if so pull them and the plug after lapping up as much water as he can.
Crank the engine using the rear wheel to help drive out any water
Then start her up and get moving to the nearest town.
There was a local on the trail who let him use the phone and he just called me. He didn't want to use up all the kids phone call money\time so I just let him go and he will call me back once the bike is apart. He said if the guy wasn't there with water he probably would be passed out right now.
He is
5 clicks from Drake Bay heading towards Rincon, just past the first river crossing.
Any inmates in the hood want to make a trek out that way to make sure he hasn't been eaten by cannibals???
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