Originally Posted by MikeMike
The black market peso dollar at that time never went to 10 to 1 outside of your movie set. The peso sat around 7 for awhile and then it fluctuated some more under both Fox and Calderon. Now the problems are more profound as government budgets were tied to a high price of oil and a minimum of $70 dollars. The price of oil is below that and creating havoc. There are massive problems with infrastructure, fraud, corruption, and some state governments are bankrupt. It was inevitable with a return to "the perfect dictatorship". The peso will sit at 15-16 until social unrest or an unexpected political event happens. Barring that it will recover slightly. The guys on your set were likely trading on fear mongering.
I would blame those pesky grips, they all have a twisted sense of humor when they get bored. 
The civil unrest hasn't even started yet here. This is going to be a tough year.
Well said Mike. It's sad things have to get so bad that people are forced into action. Same here in USA. Nothing happens unless we take to the streets.
Pesky Grips! RIGHT! Have you ever seen the sign placed in the bathroom on
a set? (put up by electricians)
Good break down of things. But remember, Oil was up OVER $100 a barrel not long ago, not $70. As you say. Forgot how high it went. It crashed but it slowly creeping back up now.
Funny, crossing at Nogales Mexican fuel was around $3 a gallon (nationwide), but cross the border in Nogales, AZ? $2.67 !!! (it's come back up since then)
A very long time since we've seen That!
Speaking on infrastructure ... riding North last November, mostly on and off Mex 15, once North of about Culiacan, I saw massive road projects going on. Literally hundreds of tractors, earth movers, Cement and Gravel trucks, D5 Cats and more. A HUGE effort. (mostly on Mex 15)
Projects would go on for 60 miles! (I kept track) ... then there would be a break, then it would begin again. Those Northern states must have made some sort of deal ... or?
Huge efforts rebuilding, widening, modernizing the highways. Bigger than anything I've ever seen even in the USA. I've no idea where the money is coming from ... but there it is. Thousands of guys at work, thats the good news I guess.
What's your analysis of this? Also saw a fair amount of road work and other projects like Bridges, flood control out on smaller back roads as well.