Help! - Stuck in no-man's land, Panama/Costa Rica
I knew this would happen one day. I presented my British Columbia "Registration Document" to the Aduana at Paso Canoas today, and... they wouldn't let me in! They say that this is not a title certificate. Granted, it is in the name of the previous owner and I have a "carta poder" transferring title to me. This doesn't seem to be the problem, it's just that they don't accept this document. The thought of leaving my beloved but grumpy KLR in this ****hole and bussing it is just too much to bear. I am going back tomorrow, (crossing the street), to see what the Canadian Embassy have to say for themselves, but if I get the no-go what do I do? Should I make a break for it, what's the likliehood of getting stopped in Costa Rica? Will I be able to bribe my way out of it? Is there an Aduana control before the border with Nicaragua?
I am in your hands - Any Suggestions? pronto.
Thanks - Mick
How much does a man live, after all?
Does he live a thousand days, or one only?
For a week, or several centuries?
How long does a man spend dying?
What does it mean to say “forever”? - Pablo Neruda