This is a new law that was passed last month after two high profile motorcycle drive-by shootings. I haven't been to Honduras in 2 years and am just reporting what was in the newspapers:
Representatives unanimously agreed to outlaw having more than one person on a motorcycle for six months in urban areas, despite knowing the ruling would be unpopular. Honduran police and armed forces will be allowed to stop any motorcycles carrying more than one person.
[Source: National Congress of Honduras]
From reading this, just avoid Tegus and stay on the backroads off the PanAm and away from the main cities, since the article says this law applies to urban areas. When I went through Honduras, I took back roads and never saw a cop. Rural areas are really nice and the people were super friendly. Honduras gets a bad rap from riders who jet down the Panam hwy where all the cops hang out. Or if you are leaving El Salvador at El Amatillo it is only 150 kilometers or so to Nicaragua. Worst case scenario you put your wife on the bus and follow it to the Nicaraguan border. Or she puts you on the bus. Let us know how it goes.
Others may know more.
Bon chance,
John Downs