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Old 28 Jan 2005
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La Paz- Mazatlan ferry

Has anyone taken the ferry from La Paz, MX-Mazatlan? Can you tell me what it you cost you and the actual ferry schedule as you remember it?
I will cross with my moto. There seems to be more reliable info on the ferriy going to Topolobampo.
I havent found any sites with current info on the La Paz-Mazatlan crossing.
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Old 29 Jan 2005
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Hi mate,

Did that journey ...oooo..blimey about 11 months ago now - twice! The third time I went La Paz to ....erm the other place, north - quicker ferry and cheaper. The la paz - mazatlan was not cheap (about $150 I seem to remember - for me, bike and a tourist cabina). The other destination from la paz to north of mazatlan was half the cost and was a much cleaner ferry. Do the 'one to the north' and go see the copper canyon...flippin amazing.

Have a larf and think of the poor sods like me that are back home wage slavin it!


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Old 29 Jan 2005
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I think Guaymas is the town colesyboy is trying to think of. I used the one from LaPaz to Mazatlan in 2003. I remember 1400 pesos for me, bike and turista (shared) cabina.
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Old 10 Feb 2005
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...just remembered - Topopolobombo....err no, Topobolampo...christ, its something like that...!
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Old 19 Feb 2005
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The other town is Topolobampo and the ferry service is bajaferries.com and yes it is cheaper and quicker and a very nice ferry. It’s an easy ride down to Mazatlan from there. I was impressed when I went the schedule was a bit odd but not all bad. Left La Paz at like 12:00 midnight and arrived at Topolobampo at a tad after daybreak. Rolled off the boat and hit the road.

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Old 21 Feb 2005
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yeh i did the trip around 3 mounths ago. we camped next to our bikes out on deck with the truckies, it was fun! We took the old 18hr boat to Mazatlan. same company as previous post, and the cost i think was still 1200 pesos Have fun.

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Old 27 Feb 2005
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Originally posted by Bicycle Phil:
Has anyone taken the ferry from La Paz, MX-Mazatlan? Can you tell me what it you cost you and the actual ferry schedule as you remember it?
I will cross with my moto. There seems to be more reliable info on the ferriy going to Topolobampo.
I havent found any sites with current info on the La Paz-Mazatlan crossing.
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Old 27 Feb 2005
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Originally posted by Bicycle Phil:
Has anyone taken the ferry from La Paz, MX-Mazatlan? Can you tell me what it you cost you and the actual ferry schedule as you remember it?
I will cross with my moto. There seems to be more reliable info on the ferriy going to Topolobampo.
I havent found any sites with current info on the La Paz-Mazatlan crossing.
We did the Ferry crossing from La Paz to Topo...something or other...midnight to 06oo am crossing...slept out on the deck pretty much the whole ride and arrived mainland ready to hit the road...cost was reasonable...about 121.oo us bucks..not bad for bike and you....and don't forget Alamos and the copper canyon...a bit north to east and then south from topolobompa...a ways but worth the ride...stay safe....d

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Old 25 May 2017
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Ferry Crossing Topolobampo to La Paz Mexico

Does anyone know if you hand in your TIP at the port when crossing from the Mexico mainland to Baja California. The peninsula is a Free Zone.
I need to store my vehicle a few months and feel it much better legally if I don't have to worry about the TIP.
Thanks for any help
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Old 25 May 2017
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Interesting question.not many folks try that when going to Baja.
The Mazatlan side has very little request for such a process
I am confident that you can get the cancellation and refund done if you first cross to PICHILINGUE ( the ferry port for LA Paz)on the Baja side and go to the harbour customs building and seek out the Migracion and Banjercito office there AT THE HARBOUR TERMINAL
That office issues these two important documents and consequently they must also do the cancellation and refund .

Then you will be able to leave the bike anywhere in Baja.
You could also go to the north border in Baja and cancel in Tijuana, Tecate, Mexicali, Algodones or San Luis ,RC
and then leave the bike in any Baja location.In fact doing the cancellation+ refund and storage in Mexico at the north border would make more sense if you are planning to get an international flight from Tijuana or even from a US airport in California . From Tijuana /San Diego you can get public transport links to SD or LA international airports.

For ferry info , schedules and prices last ok at .:: Baja Ferries Website ::.
and Transportación Marítima de California - TMC


The "SOLO SONORA" permit area in Sonora ,north of Guaymas and west of Mex 15 , is also exempt from TVIP requirements .There is a customs terminal alongside Mex 15 east of EMPALME where you can obtain and CANCEL the TVIP. This would make it possible for you to leave the bike afterward in any of the towns north inside this zone , but it is then a big hike to any airport.
http://advrider.com/index.php?thread....207964/page-5 then scroll down to post #93

Last edited by Sjoerd Bakker; 26 May 2017 at 01:12.
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Old 26 May 2017
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Thanks for that info Sjoerd.
There is a place at San Jose that has storage facilities and there are direct flights to LA from where we fly back to Australia. That is why I have been wanting to find out the info you have supplied. We can still head north and find a place further up the peninsula but the arrangement for San Jose sounded pretty good. We have a camping car incidentally.
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Old 26 May 2017
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San José ������ ???

Which one are you aiming at ? San José, Costa Rica or some other country?
San Josés aplenty in Mexico. Or is it San José , California USA ?
It finally dawns on me you may be referring to San Josè del Cabo . Finally.

When you get off the ferry don't just follow all the other vehicles out onto the highway from Pichilingue to La Paz. Everybody is free to go.
Hang back and let them rush away out of the harbour terminal gates.
You need to park the bus in front of the two floor building inside those gates and walk over there to the offices of Banjercito. If you are puzzled where they are then ask any of the security guards for directions.
I don't recall seeing a typical drive-up green and white kiosk of Banjercito of the type where TVIP cancellation is done at border crossings. Take your TVIP documents inside and they will start the processing . They will come out to the bus with you and take a digital photo of the actual VIN plate and scrape the sticker from the inside of your windshield. Then you go back inside and complete the process and get your deposit refund , cash US dollars if that was how you paid , a refund to your credit card if you put down the deposit with a cc.
As I said earlier, it is not that often that folks cancel a TVIP in the south of Baja , ( it is never done in MAZATLÁN ) so you may have to do a bit of explaining , maybe even wait a while if the Banjercito worker is taking a long lunch or coffee break. They sometimes time their presence to coincide with nearing departure time of a ferry , not so much the arrival .

And don't let yourself get fooled by some web search that suggests there are Banjercito offices in various towns . Those are Banjecito bank offices and have nothing to do with TVIP cancellations
http://advrider.com/index.php?thread....207964/page-5 then scroll down to post #93

Last edited by Sjoerd Bakker; 26 May 2017 at 20:31.
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Old 26 May 2017
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If Baja, then maybe he's talking about San Jose Comundu? There are two Comundu towns in that area. The other is San Miguel Comundu. Sort of near
La Purisma, you can get there from Loreto via San Javier. Rugged area or drive over from #1 near La Purisma.

Could be the OP is camper out at Scorpion Bay, surfing? You can get to San Jose Comumdu from there, IIRC.

Many many many San Jose's ... so no surprise an Aussie does not pick up on this.

Your first post covers it all. I've not actually heard of anyone canceling a TVIP at the port in La Paz, but makes sense they should be able to do it. Lots of Gringos leave vehicles all over Baja, many with lapsed US registration in USA.
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Old 27 May 2017
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San Jose del Cabo!!!

Sorry about that. Yes it is San Jose del Cabo. I'm used to shortening names.
Thanks for all the info. It looks like it should go off with no problems.
Incidentally does anyone know wheere a vehicle could be stored further up the peninsula? The good thing about San Jose del Cabo is there is an international airport in the town.
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Old 28 May 2017
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Since you are going to LOS ANGELES , California , USA to catch a flight it is logical to store the car/ bus as close to the border as possible in order to cut down on time riding taxis and public transport.
In your case you would need to have secure storage that is not threatened by hurricanes , sudden river floods, landslides and tsunamis , so avoid coastal rentals in a ravine . ... = ) Mexicali fits that list of exclusions mostly , although they can get flash floods in the dry riverbeds.

You can do a web search for storage facilities if you look for " mini bodegas" ( remember that name)
For instance something like this turned up for me minutes ago :
Nosotros . Mini Bodegas. Mexicali. Almacenes, lockers, estacionamiento y almacenes.

They offer containers on the lot and suggest storing vehicles, a temporary
garage with 24/7 security on site .
This was just a first quick look, there are no doubt more on Tijuana , perhaps in Tecate
Find something that makes getting to LA easy .
http://advrider.com/index.php?thread....207964/page-5 then scroll down to post #93
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