Standec , were you travelling as an individual or as a member of some organized group, or a terrorist cell You do say " we were held up " ( delayed )
After looking at that Nicaraguan site and Reading the form in both Spanish and English I get the distinct impression that they are directing this procedure at ORGANIZED GROUPS , NGO for community aid .
This is the English version title intro of that page :
For the safe and organized entrance and exit to Nicaragua of visisitors of other nationalities.""
Normal tourists travelling on their own will not be impacted by this if such is the case . Please clarify your travel arrangement which precipitated this request by Nicaraguan border control .
This is an image of the Spanish version of that form title and intro.
Last edited by Sjoerd Bakker; 4 Nov 2017 at 16:18.
Reason: add image & spelling correcrion