San Blas road at the end of September 2008
I,ve recently ( 25th september 2008 ) ridden my BMW K100 RT with road tires over this road to catch the Stahlratte ( best boat to do it with) across to Cartagena.
The road has been vastly improved since some of those photos were posted earlier. They were working on it when I went over it and saw a lot of hillsides had been taken away to prevent slips.
There are four wheel drives taking backpackers to the San Blas island which carried for me my panniers. Recommended for more fun also.
Otherwise been a Road biker ( that I am mostly ) doing the steep up and down hills was pushing my personnel skill levels. They are quite steep and unsealed.
Choosing a line and giving it too the top and then edgeing back down in second gear.
You,d also want to check how recent the last rain was.
Given the day I took it I would have done it again but if it had rained I might have been stuck between two steep hills.
Get the word of one of the Four wheel drivers who would have been on it the day before and watch the weather.
At the end of the road before the river there,s a 50 metre lenght of mud road. I really thought I was going to get stuck but took the plunge to find it was really just a layer of mud and I could feel the gritty stones underneath my tires.