Hi Nicolas we are currently in Vueracruz, we have just shipped our bikes from Germany to Verarcruz.
We will unpack our crate on Monday, if you want to use it for your bike please let us know.
We can also give you the contact of our broker here, but he does not speak much english. But if you want we can find out if there is one here you can talk to in english.
The local customs site is AAAPVER SC
Let us know if there is anything you need to know , we are most likely here till Wednesday
We just received some recommandations for agents here:
Servicios advonates en Comercio KASA, S.C.
Alacio Perez #25, Desp. 102, Col. Ricaido
phone 9313426
ask for Margarita, she speaks english
But you can get advice anytime from the asociacion de agente aduanales del puerto de Veracruz
phone 9896000
there is every week an another agency on call for advice.
Last edited by Meike Huelsmann; 6 Dec 2014 at 23:15.
Reason: additional information