Originally Posted by mikeb8man
...i now need
to change the domain name of my website. I am using Joomla 1.0.13 and my site is at www.petoparis.com.
I am very new to this website business-does anyone know how to change
my domain name so that everything will still be cool and if people go to www.petoparis.com - Home they will be re-directed to my new site?
You could buy another domain name from you web hoster and host it on the same service.
I use Ipower and run 2 domain names on the same hosting service.
If you tell someone your domain name for your travel blog is petoparis.com and you have it hosted on the same servers as your main domain at mypetoparis.com they will both point to the same place (webspace) - the index.html or index.php or whatever is your default index file.
I have my own domain at shales.com. In this webspace I also host bikerbytes.com
Pointing your browser at either domain name will take you to the same place.
If you go to bikerbytes.com/txp you are taken to a sub directory with its own index file that is separate from the bikerbytes/shales directory and so has different content. (the bikerbytes.com level has an error and does not work with firefox... must sort that sometime
So, the simple and cheap solution is to create another directory, (short name is better) and a new index file in that directory and then just tell people that link.
Still with me?
Nostradamus Ate My Hamster