Assuming they haven't radically changed the design...
Originally Posted by hobospy
what has everyone else done with the wires from box to headsets? Have you sewn them into your jacket and taped all the wires securely into your helmet? It just seems a bit of a faff about getting on and off of the bike 
I used mine mainly on some great trips with my daughter on the back. Yes, the speaker wires are all neatly tucked under the helmet lining with just a short lead dangling freely. The unit itself fits in the pocket of my jacket and it was my daughter's job to disconnect our helmets when we stopped. She got very proficient at rolling up the cables and tucking them in my jacket pocket as we were pulling in. That way we were both free to dismount without difficulty.
I wouldn't advise sewing the longer cables into your jackets as it limits your choice of clothing and riding partner.
Train your pillion and the problem is solved. 