Changing tyres by hand
I'm removing the Trailwings on my 1150 GS with the Pro Lev'R bead-breaking tool, bought mail order from
Although I'm mechanically dyslexic I found it fairly easy to break the bead on the front, so I reckon I'll be packing the Pro Lev'R when I go travelling. But levering the tyre off was a f***ing long sweaty pain in the a**e. I used the Pro Lev'R for this too - it disassembles into a pair of levers. Other Pro Lev'R users say it's inferior to real levers - I don't find this hard to believe, although I can't make any comparisons as I've never changed the tyre on anything bigger than a bicycle before.
Still to do - remove the rear tyre, and fit a pair of TKC 80s. Is anyone in a position to reassure me that the worst is over? And can anyone recommend the very best levers out there?
If a thing is worth doing, it\'s worth doing to extremes.