Darr (Daerr), Hepco & Becker, Alpos...same difference!
Maybe I'm stating the obvious here but I'll say it anyway.
I have the Alpos panniers and now recieved a topbox (C29*) from Daerr. I have also had a look at the H&B boxes. They are all exactly the same, even the latches/locks, except for maybe an extra bend around the side or corners for aesthetics. I wouldn't be surprised of they were all punched out at exactly the same factory somewhere in Germany (or China).
So if you are considering any of these boxes then my advise would be to make your decision purely on Price + Postage.
*The C29 is actually sold as a normal travel case but is a handy size for a topbox.
Last edited by Bossies; 20 Jun 2006 at 12:49.