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Old 29 Sep 2008
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Hein Gericke Trousers

Bought a new set of wet weather riding gear from Hein Gerick earlier this year. £220 for a pair of the Cruise trousers to replace a pair I went for 5 years back. After a few weeks I noticed above the right knee roll a hole had appeared probably the result of a burn (but I'm not sure how and when) - it has got worse. Probably to the extent that there is no use in me wearing these trousers any more. Anyone had any problems with burns on similar trousers?

The material looks completely lightweight and there is nothing underneath other than the Goretex. The rest of the trousers look to be fairly hefty I cannot believe there can be such a weak pooint? Anyone else got any experience with anything similar? I reckon the rest of the trousers would not burn through like this if they come into contact with the exhaust - surely the only explanation for this.

Anyone else had any grief with similar riding gear? I had some bother with a jacket from Hein Gerick some years back and they replaced it just like that. I spent £700 on that particular visit to HG and after taking them back (Farnborough store) to discuss the problem they were incredibly unhelpful. I asked them to send them back and I have just heard they are not interested in fixing them (I did not even ask for a replacement - I realise I have worn them for some distance).

Question is, who to contact next? I reckon these trousers are crap. There is a serious design/build flaw. I will post a picture when I get home. £200+ is a lot to pay for trousers that are no use to man nor beast after just a few weeks of use. The last pair saw me through all manner of bother in South America with no trouble at all. Trips down the road caused less trouble than riding my bike with these.

Any suggestions most welcome. A simple claim in the county courts might be the way forward - anyone any experience there for such matters? Done it for other matters but never on a bike issue.

Funny thing is I ordered some new gear from the buggers. I look forward to canceling it next time I call in to pick up the trousers. Bunch of tuaregs, I mean toerags.....

Not best pleased.

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Old 29 Sep 2008
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I've used the HG Cruise suit for the length of the Americas and recently from Singapore back to Scotland. Mine was ok generally as far as keeping me warm in the cold (as long as it was dry) but it is about as waterproof as a sponge now. Every time it rained (which was a fair bit in Asia), it entire suit would get soaked through very quickly. In North America, I re-proofed it with Tek-Wash or something but it didn't seem to make any difference.

My HG gear is only about 2 1/2 years old now but I seem to remember seeing something saying they had a 5 year guarantee? I'd be very interested to find out if I could make a complaint about the Cruise suit being pretty lame in the waterproof department.

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Old 30 Sep 2008
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I had a Dri-Rider suit. Burnt a hole in the end of the sleeve. The material was quite thick and I don't even know when and where it happened, but it's only plastic, so the exhaust has no trouble melting it.

Forget about getting anything repaired, all their stuff is made in Far East, so it can't be repaired.

My Jacket was quite good, nice and warm and waterproof for a long time. The trousers, however, leaked badly in the crutch from the first time I rode in rain. Unfortunately for this, on the Riviera I never rode much in wet weather (the sun almost always shines), so it was 1 1/2 years until I had the second ride in the pouring rain and took them back. Warranty in Germany is 2 years, but in France you pay more and get only 1 year warranty. The store owner replaced them on his own nickel, but the replacement leaked exactly the same, so I always had to wear plastic over them.

My take on HG stuff: not the cheapest and not the worst, but overall not very good quality.

Another example: I've been on the road for two years now with HG trousers and a BMW jacket. The HG stuff has faded, the fly zipper never stayed up and they aren't cut symmetrically, so the right knee protector is never where it should be. On the BMW jacket only minor issues, except the elbow protectors are both broken where they hinge.

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Old 6 Oct 2008
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If I'm correct and the Cruise are the Goretex trousers then that is what I have. Last year when riding off I got flung over the bars and the knee caught the GPS mount on the way over. It tore the outer layer but did not damage the Goretex layer. To this day they still have the hole and have never let any water in and I wear them every day..
So if the Goretex layer is undamaged they will be fine.

A lot of good outdoor pursuit shops have contacts with repairers who can mend goretex, so give one of them a try.
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Old 8 Oct 2008
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Thanks there guys.

There is no damage to the goretex as far as I can tell and the recent weekend weather proved a good test.

I guess I am just disappointed that I have spent £200+ on a pair of trousers that has mysteriously developed a hole and the shop that sold them does not want to know. My main question is whether this gear is fit for purpose? Is it worth pursuing this with the OFT?

Life is hectic and I don't need this sort of crap. That said I don't like anyone cheating me and would rather fight them than forget it.

Any advice much appreciated.


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Old 10 Oct 2008
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HG kit

Hi Guy's, Most of my riding kit leathers and fabric suites inc boots and gloves etc are all from HG in Norwich Norfolk, had a few small issues but all sorted by the shop staff, excellent customer service, i would go back and take it up with the store manager and go further if necessary, just make sure you have your receipt with you, good luck.
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Old 10 Oct 2008
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I guess it comes down to who you get to speak to at HG.. I had a pair of Toureg trousers, the armour never stayed where it should, it was never waterproff and within 8 weeks all the zips broke. I was less then pleased but did nothing untill when the stitching started to come undone in under 6 months I went in to the Birmingham shop ask about getting them fix,.. Not replaced or get a new pair just fixed on my dime. The guy looked at me scoffed and said F* off.

I asked for his Manager to 1) compalined about the level of rudness and 2) hopefull talk to someone with a clue. The manager said do you have recipt? When i said not with me, but I am willing to pay the costs. He just walked away with out a word. I noticed that he went to talk to a couple trying on (i cant remember what the name is.. but it is the most expencive stuff in the shop ~£600 for the jacket and the same for the trousers), and they were talking about getting two sets..

I then walked over to the Manager who was telling them about the no questions asked gaurentee on all there products . So i interupted and simple asked, "If that is the case why was i told to f* off when i am will to pay the cost for a simple repair after 6 months.. As he went red with anger the couple and I walked out of the store..

Moral of the story is Dont piss someone off when you are trying to convice someone else in the shop to part with £2400.00! Also I dont trust HG.
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Old 10 Oct 2008
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Wow that's service with a smile. Sadly the UK has lost any grip it ever had on customer service. Without using the F word that is similar treatment to what I received in the Farnborough store. Yes I do agree that it does depend on the store and the personnel concerned but there does seem to be a trend at HG stores. oh yes I have the receipt and it'll go up the chain. Whether anyone cares I will find out.

I used to like the kit. Now I'm not so sure. Can I claim my trousers are not fit for purpose and get a full refund? A credit note would probably suit and I could buy something not made for HG.
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Old 10 Oct 2008
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Got to say you here these problems all the time with goretex suits, Hein Gericke seem quite good compared to some of the makes out there, However I would always say that the best solution to waterproofing has to be a protective suit with nylon overjacket, if it gets damaged or leaks its a relatively cheap job to replace it. I have had really good gear let me down at the worst possible time and ended up freezing the warranties bugger all use when your 100 mile from Murmansk in the torrential rain with that arctic chill just to cool you down a bit. I now tend to use my lightweight vented tuareg suit (Hein Gerick)for all year round riding with bmw summer trousers (neither of which is remotley waterproof) or lightweight HG goretex trousers but with a nylon oversuit they work better than a £ very expensive Rucca suit I had at keeping me warm and dry more so when camping - cos you dont have all the wet gear to put in the tent (Rucca suit now sold) I also have a HGerricke Summer goretex(laminate) suit that is very good (also bloody pricey) that is till its really cold and wet even though it does not get as saturated as normal goretex it still becomes very cold as it would - wind/water draws heat away - the only cure an oversuit - so really the cheaper non waterproof gear is just as good and better in the heat as you dont boil in the bag so much with it and like I say if you fall off its a lot cheaper to replace.
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Old 10 Oct 2008
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I have bought various hein gericke items, from boots to leathers and waterproofs, and i have come to the conclusion that the quality of their stuff is crap. Broken zips, boots splitting and so on.
Don't know about anyone else, but i really rate RST gear. My jacket was bought of the cuff at the BMF 4 years ago, and i ride every day to work in all weathers, and its as good as new still.
Bearing in mind its not overpriced, i think thats good going.
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Old 11 Oct 2008
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If the damage was indeed caused by a burn and it does look that way from the picture, then I doubt very much that you could that they are not fit for purpose as they are not advertised as fire or heat resistant.
If the Goretex is undamaged and they are still waterproof, I would be chuffed that they have survived. I doubt there are many other products that could claim the same.

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Old 19 Oct 2008
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I must say I'm quite surprised. Had I not read this thread, I would have assumed that HG would have taken the kit back either for repair or like-for-like replacement, based on what others have said (and indeed my own perception) of their after-sales service.

Whilst I can certainly see there could be argument of whether the damage was done in operation of the bike or otherwise, the matter of the relationship between yourself (a person with enough money to buy HG gear!) and the people selling it would suggest that they would apply reasonable discretion and do the right thing.

I had assumed that if any of my HG kit failed prematurely I could take it back for at least repair, however your experience makes me wonder; something to consider as I'm currently in the market again.

Bike kit is neither cheap nor long-lasting, so I am surprised HG have decided to take this course - when, for the sake of taking your word, have forfeited your future business and anyone's you advise. Perhaps ask them again at a higher level?
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Old 20 Oct 2008
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These trousers are ok on the waterproofing right now but the hole doesn't obviously help.

I guess the reason for posting this was to get some opinions concerning whether it is reasonable to request Hein Gericke to repair or replace the trousers. Initially I was quite angry that HG did not seem to want to help. I guess you can look at it two ways - you either choose that the trousers have been used for the purpose they were designed for and in the normal course of this a hole has appeared. Or that they got holed after coming into contact with something hotter than they were designed for. Stating the obvious really.

So should I go after HG for a repair/replacement/refund? Am I expecting too much?

I'll follow this up with a letter for sure and maybe post a link to this and other websites - some support would not go amiss:-)


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Old 21 Oct 2008
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Originally Posted by mattpope View Post
These trousers are ok on the waterproofing right now but the hole doesn't obviously help.

I guess the reason for posting this was to get some opinions concerning whether it is reasonable to request Hein Gericke to repair or replace the trousers. Initially I was quite angry that HG did not seem to want to help. I guess you can look at it two ways - you either choose that the trousers have been used for the purpose they were designed for and in the normal course of this a hole has appeared. Or that they got holed after coming into contact with something hotter than they were designed for. Stating the obvious really.

So should I go after HG for a repair/replacement/refund? Am I expecting too much?

I'll follow this up with a letter for sure and maybe post a link to this and other websites - some support would not go amiss:-)


I think that they should be willing to help! Maybe you will have to pay for the repair if your burnt it, if it is bad fabric then they should be jumping over themselves to fix it.. either way.. HG should help you make sure that your £220.00 investment was not a bad one.. They have 0 after care, and when paying that kinda money it is unforgivable...

For example of great service... I purchased a pair of lindstrands gi-trousers from Skellers yamaha Yamaha Motorcycle Dealers - Yamaha Motorbikes and Scooters, Cheltenham, Worcester UK. Probably the most comfortable trousers i have ever had. But with in a couple of weeks a zipper on one of the pockets/vent broke (like off). I called Skellers and they said no problem well get you a new pair,,, well there was a problem... lindstrands was out of them.. and i was leaving for a 3 week tour of out back romania in a week... John (the accesory mgr).. said "no problem.. go on your tour do anything that you have to to make them work and we 'll exchange em when you get back" (i glued the pocket with epoxy to keep it waterproof) ..Well 4 weeks later and a lot of dirt, deisel, sweat and grime, I call him up and ask him if he was sure he will thake them back... and should i at least wash em... "nope just send em back dirty" he replies... Well i did wash em. (they smelled a little too ripe).. and he sent me the replacement, overnight courrered them to my office all because he knew i comute and it was going to rain... (how cool is that)... a few week later the zip broke again.. and he took em back again and gave me my money back with out batting an eyelid... THAT IS SERVICE!... HG learn something...
2000 Africa Twin
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