I have the X-Lite. I got it back in January, so I have about six months on it- mostly commute miles.
Here's what I've found. It's heavier than my previous Arai. It's slightly louder. Before I added the fog screen (included) to the visor, the slightest amount of rain made riding irritating at best. After that slight alteration, I have had no problem with visibility through the visor. (Bugs notwithstanding)
Nolan claims that anything beyond soap and water cleaning will damage the visor, and I believe them having done extremely minor damage with cleaning spray. However, that damage doesn't affect my vision the way a scratch on the Arai visor did.
To the plus side, the half-visor slip down sunshade is a dream. I love that stupid detail more than anything else on the helmet.
I am also a fan of the flip face, because 90% or more of my riding is solo and I just don't want to trust the local paramedics to know how to pull off a helmet in an emergency.
I find the Nolan comfortable and snug after many hours. I find myself tipping up the visor a lot less than I did in the Arai.
All in all, I like the helmet and would buy it again. But as always, your mileage may vary.