Rear Rack Bag
I am a huge fan of my 31L Ortlieb Moto Rack-Pack. I custom-made the rear rack to suit it.
My only complaint was that it was inconvenient to carry when I got off the bike, and I always had security concerns for its content (laptop etc.) and a dislike for PacSafe mesh.
I tend to leave panniers on as much as possible (tools, spares, food, camping gear) and always take the soft-bag into tent / hotel etc. and then I get nervous when the bike is parked and I'm off sight-seeing (I run a steel wire rope w/ lock through jacket sleeve, helmet triple-grip).
Anyone used the Ortlieb backpacks or can recommend an alternative easy-to-carry fully waterproof soft-bag?
Which ones are worth investigating further, and can be conveniently tied-down?