africa twin 650 mods
Im heading off on a world tour next year and I have an africa twin 1989 650 to do it on.
Im looking for further info regarding mods to the bike its currently stock.
crash bars/ protection for the bike. which ones and what company
panniers/racks- it appears metal mule are the current fav but heard good things about tesch and bad reports of the M-Mule frames. It appears ernie at overland has a huge backlog so that options out.
Is it worth getting a better screen? such as the touring ones which are slightly higher.
Spares- I have seen a good few posts regarding what to take but is there anything that this model has issues with.
electrics- for charging phones and cameras ect.
If the experienced guys could point me the right way I would be grateful.
So far the main objective is to get to thailand then rest up there and then head off elsewhere.