It you travel 2-up, and need to carry spare tyres, I´d try to hang them on both sides of the fuel tank. Whether this will be possible, depends on the bike, the length of the rider, etc.
I know i could do it on a V-Strom (by modifying the crashbars a little with some welding). Carrying them like this was actually nowhere near the pain in the butt I thought it would be. My knees just touched them lightly, when riding, but I didnt feel it was a problem - but if I were any taller, it could be! We could ride motorway speeds, up to about 140 kms per hour, higher than that and you started to feel the front end vibrate, as the tyres started moving in the wind. May be if you ride serious off-road, you wouldnt want them this way, as they could be blocking you moving your legs freely. But you´re probably not doing that 2-up anyway. And we rode over 30.000 kms like this.
Besides, that way they´re a nice, soft, but durable ´extra protection´ for minor spills, I think the bike could be dropped to either side at walking speeds without a scratch. Plus we could also strap some of our heavy stuff, like tools, to the crashbars, that remained visible at the center of the spare tyres. We could even keep some extra water bottles, etc., inside the tyres!
This solution also shifted the weight forward a bit, which was good for the handling the bike (but I admit it wasnt 100% practical, as we ended up taking at least the tool bags off every evening, and strapping them back on every morning).