AVOID "DISCOUNT MOTORCYCLE TIRE .com" While they sent my tire quickly and correctly, they then proceeded to accidently send me a second identical tire. I checked with my bank and found I hadn't been billed for this. So about 2 days later I called the company to see about sending this tire back to them. I got the service department of this company, they transfered me to another part, and then they finally transfered to to customer service or something like that. But there was no one there, so I left a voice mail explaning the situation, and leaving contact information. I was then left with a warm fuzzy feeling knowing I had done the right thing. No one called me back, and about 2 days later I had to go out of state for a few weeks. About a week after I left the company called and talked with a family member of mine, and he explaned to them that I would be gone for several weeks, but had tried to sort the mess out before I left. long story short (too late for that lol). I returned home to find that I had been billed for the tire, and told by the returns department that I had agree'd to buy the tire at a slightly reduced price. No such agreement had occured. I asked for the manager. I explaned my situation to her and told her that I thought it unfair that they had taken my money when I had taken the steps to set this whole mess right. She called me a liar and said there were no records that i had ever tried to contact her, and they believed I was trying to steal the tire by avoiding contact with them. I told her I needed my money back for living expenses, and she said tough, the sooner we get the tire back, the sooner you get your money back. So I now have to deliver this tire to an office depote (for some reason they don't deal with ups) wich is a 2 hour round trip for me. So basically there screw up is costing me about 15 bucks and a good 2 and 1/2 hours of my time, and I've been called a liar despite trying to do the right thing. There I've vented, sorry for the length, but now you've been warned.