I've always thought (lighter coloured) sheepskins looked very German. In order to avoid looking like said nationality (despite now using a German passport of convenience and then riding a bike built in Berlin  ) in 2000 on my rtw trip with a UK passport, when Barb at Alaska Leather in Anchorage offered me (a new) sheepskin for free, I insisted it had to be dyed black so it wouldn't show up in any pictures as the bike's saddle was black too
It never really made a difference in terms of comfort, other than soaking up water when riding in the rain, so meant I had a wet ar$e for longer
I still have said black sheep skin, nearly 25 years later. It now adorns my old beyond rat winter Transalp, hiding a huge tear in the seat
Today I use an air hawk. Works exceptionally well.
Can't see how a bath mat would be fit for purpose, but each to their own.