Glad to hear that they have sorted you out!
Yep there were lots of corrugations, huge blind potholes, dirt, rocks, a few flights of steps (don't ask), the bike was loaded right up on the back including two tyres and I gave it a proper pounding.
I might have been lucky with the rear shock, everything else got battered in some way, my pannier racks broke in about 4 or 5 places, one fork got bent, both lost a lot of chrome and wouldn't hold oil, rear subframe snapped..... When I got back compression on my horizontal cylinder was about 2:1.............
Thinking about it the rear shock might have been the only thing that didn't get damaged! A small exhaust fire took care of damaging bits and bobs at the back (indicators, plastics, bit of my seat) and an errant mercedes took care of the front. Everything in the middle just got knackered, even the Scottoiler died!
Lot of fun though!