Happy Trail Panniers (Sorry for another pannier thread)
After much deliberation and thinking: MM (Too much money...i know they are meant to bedoolally great)
TT (Too flimsy),
Al Jesse (Too much money, not that many people have em),
H&B (Don't like plastic, don't see their alu as that greater deal),
Casa Sahel ?sp? (Unproven? Only heard one review which was poor)
Happy Trail seems to fit the bill nicely. they are cheaper than post ( $210 a box ) and will slot onto a TT (*Points cross at screen*) rack (the boxes seem to get more flak than the racks).
Not sure about the difference between a Teton and Owyhee box, does anyone know the real difference between them. Think i will order a powdercoated set of Teton boxes.
The Pros: Reasonably thick (2mm as opposed to Zega 1.5mm)
Welded not riveted
Shaped so they are less likely to crush my legs
Look nice
Powder Coat finish for not that much more money, so no white marks
Cons: they will have to be shipped from the states.
Can anyone provide me some feedback on these boxes.