Intercom or not?
I can't make up my mind about this. Should I buy a intercom or not to the bike. I do alot of touring with my wife on a BMW and I have been thinking about this. When we commuicate we talk or scream to eachother. It works and it's sort of the way it is on a bike, right. But sometime I want to say something and then I have to slow down or stop to talk to her. But on the other hand it's very nice to have those moment for your self on the bike with no one to disturb you. Specially when you going to overtake a car and a voice tells you in your helmet "should you really overtake that car now"?
Anyway, if I decide to buy a set, should I buy a set fixed to the bike with cables or a set with two seperate walkie-talkies. Anyone have any experience with reliability and so.
I appreciate all sort of feedback on this.