The scooter in my profile picture has a 177cc tuning kit. It is an old scoot, with probably about 12HP... I have no idea.
Although I find the sidecar great fun on special occations, it is only for nostalgic reasons. In terms of carrying loads, I would rather carry less and still be on two wheels, or stack it as high as I could.
A sidecar will reduce both handling and performance, in adition to increase fuel consumption. They take away the great feeling of leaning into a bend, and if you are not used to having it there, snagging it on something is really easy. Another major reason for not bringing one, say forever good bye to lane splitting. When cars are stuck in traffic jams, so are you. Then there is parking. Then there is three tyres prone to punctures instead of just two, etc.
If the only thing you are wondering is wether or not the small engine will be able to take you there. It probably will, but going up hills may be real slow. Since you are now a slower and wider object, you are also much more prone to get involved in an accicent from other vehicles trying to pass you. In some places this often plays out as follows: The drunk sleep deprivated unlicensed truck driver trying to pass you, fondles his prayer beeds hanging from the rear view mirror of his 60km/h top speed tempremental vintage unimog with worn tyres and brakes and with a top heavy over load of chicken cages and building materials, praying to one of his many gods to see him through as if his only control of faith is through the prayer beeds instead of the controls of the truck, trying to squeese between you and a road side noodle stand and the oncoming bus on the wrong side of the potholed muddy untarred road, in the hair pin on top of the crest, in the dark, with no lights, with crossing domesticated animals and children, and a 100 ft cliff to one side, lacking a guard rail... the end of the story being dependant on the speed, width and agility of your ride. The story was a bit exaggerated (only a bit compared to some places), but you catch my drift.
Still, a side car could be a great experience. I'll be riding a classic 200cc Vespa for my Africa trip this summer, but the side car stays at home.