Back in the UK I have a Shoei Raid II road lid and out here in Oz I currently have a Thor Force Carbon fibre MX lid... have to say there are some aspects I love about the MX lid and other bits I hate, when on the road.
I love the light weight and open ventilation during hot days with the Thor. I also don't think I could live without the peak after getting so used to using it to avoid things hitting me in the face when on dodgy roads or just keeping sun out of my eyes.
However as said above its noisy, if its cold outside its not pleasant (just brought a thin balaclava for early morning riding to try and solve this) and if traveling at speed (over 50-60kph) during rain you have to ride one handed to block the gap between nose and goggles to stop your face stinging.
Last edited by Korath; 8 Oct 2008 at 05:48.