Hi Luuk,
Concerning your question I can only speak from my own experiance for DID.
With regular maintenance it can last long, wich means lubricating it in dry conditions every 3- 400 kms. In the wet more often. I replaced my X -ring set after 25.000 kms and it was stil good for at least another 10.000 if I wasn't planning a trip to Africa as you do.
On the Dutch Transalp forum I found some info on the 'regina' brand chains, it seems to be an Dutch manufacturor on which is not very much experiance shared at forums.. Tsubaki end DID seem to be the leading brands. Regina is cheaper. Since your planned journey will last at least 16.000 kms the demands are clear.
Perhaps try the the search option on 'noppenforum.nl' or 'mororforum.nl', both dutch sites.
The next quotes are in Dutch, excuses for those who will not be able to understand it.
- Quote Dutch transalpforum -
Heeft er iemand ervaring met Regina kettingen?
De Regina-kettingen lijken op elastiek, je blijft ze stellen en na 10 000 km. zijn ze op het eind.
'tuurlijk is de Regina wat minder.
Maar die kosten meestal ook minder dan de helft van DID ed.
Ik hebRegina vaak gebruikt als "pekel-ketting".
Doorrijden in de winter is door het pekel funest voor de ketting. Ook DID of Tzubaki houden daar niet zo van.
Maar de Regina knikker ik gewoon weg in Maart, terwijl ik met de duurdere kettingen pro

wat langer mee te rijden, wat niet altijd lukt.
groet, randal
- unquote -