Ortlieb Drybags
Hi All.
I want to buy a large Ortlieb drybag. The choice seems to be between the 89ltr rack pack, which opens right along the length of the bag and has decent handles; the 49ltr rack pack, same features as above; the 59ltr motorcycle dry bag, which seems to only open at one end. I'd prefer a rack pack but the 49ltr I believe will be too small and the 89ltr too big. I intend to keep my tent, sleeping gear (bag and thermarest), cooking gear and any other camping gear in there.
So, I'd appreciate comments and advice from anyone who's used any of these bags to try and determine whether the smaller sizes are likely to have enough room and whether the motorcycle drybag is easy enough to use compared to the rack pack. To put things in perspective I will also have the Ortlieb 47ltr throw over panniers and will be trying to travel light.
Thanks in advance,