panniers with inbuilt water storage
hello all, i am currently starting to prep my bike for a trip from alaska to argentina which will take place next year. and one thing iv been suprised with is that no one sells panniers with water storage inbuilt, so i am currently having a set of aloy panniers made with 3.5l of water storage in the bottom of each one, the main storage will be 32l each box.
does anyone know of any good reasons for why zega/metal mule etc are not doing this?
i plan on camping for this trip and when ever i go camping especially in hot conditions i am always short of water! so i figured these would sort that problem, and with water being heavy then the best place for it is as low as possible.
also the filler for the water tank will only be accesible by removing the lid of the pannier, so as to stop any one being able to put anything in the water when your not looking!!
also these panniers which will be extremley well made out of 2mm alloy will cost considerably less than the touratech etc equivilent.
i will post pics of them as soon as i have them.
would anyone be interested in panniers like this? if so then the more i have made the cheaper they would become.
cheers chris