Screen Heights
I've recently bought an F650GS Dakar, following a few years with a R1100RT. The bikes great but the wind noise is deafening! Compared with the R11 I'd expect to hear more wind-rush but I also have a DR350SE, no screen and even this is quieter. Bizarre!!
I had the same problem years ago with a R100RS with a 'tall screen', I noticed one day when I stood on the pegs trying to relieve 'numb-bum' that moving my head above the screen was actually quieter than being below it. I fitted a standard height screen and presto! a quieter ride. I can only conclude that getting your head above the screen moves you out of the turbulant 'rough' air and into 'smooth' air. With this in mind I stood on the pegs of the Dakar and raised my butt of the seat by about 2" and as suspected it got quiter. So, before I take a hacksaw to the screen and lop 2" off the top, has anyone else experienced this? If not, and your in the 'noisy air' behind a screen try raising yourself on the pegs slightly and let me know the outcome.
Any other opinions/views?