Stainless Steel Electrical Crimp Connectors
This is beginning to drive me round the twist...
I read an article on the Airheads website about rewiring a bike and the bloke reccomended using SS crimp connectors as they are much better than the standard type.
Can I find any in the UK? Nope!
I've tried surfing the web for hours, tried Maplins, RS Components, Farnell, Newark...
I've tried contacting yatch chandlers (as these things are supposed to be useful for marine applications)...
I've tried e-mailing the guy who wrote the article - got bounced back... "email does not exist":- type-of-reply
I'm getting desperate - and I've now become obsessed with finding these bloomin crimps - CAN YOU HELP?
PS I've not tried Tandy - but I'm not THAT desperate (yet!)
Fuzzy Duck
(I'm quackers about bikes)
Fuzzy Duck
(I\'m quackers about bikes)