Tank bag and Tank Pannier security
I have been giving this a lot of thought. We mostly use hard panniers on the back and when asked; most of us say that for one reason is for the increased security (among other reasons).
Then most of us use soft tank bags and tank panniers (in fact I only of Grant J. who has hard fronts). So I have been thinking about the hard front pannier thing. the only ones that you can buy are overland solutions and they are small and 800£. so that is not worth it to me. So what does every one else do. I decided I dont like the idea of a hard tank bag/box.. the sharp edge in my chest in case of a sudden stop is a bit scary. The Pac-safe (tank bag) one seems okay but is very exxy and this still leaves the the front bags unprotected. I know nothing will stop a pro-thief it is really just the opportunistic grab and run guy (which i reckon is the most likely kind to encounter too). I have not discounted the idea of hard front panniers and will make em if need be. but i was just interested in others opinions.
Cheers all
Last edited by Xander; 19 Nov 2008 at 12:34.