Top Box or Soft Bag?
I've finished building a rack and pannier boxes for my BMW R100 GS. This gives me 60 Litres of secure storage space (for a trip from Uk to Cape Town and back). I'm wondering whether to build another rack for a top box - I've seen an old life-jacket box (80 Litres of space) made of really heavy duty-thick fibre glass - which is quite light, but it is 73cm x 47cm x 36cm (quite big). I'm not sure whether to go ahead and build the rack or opt for a large Ortleib waterproof bag (possibly with a wire net to make it more secure). The 80 Litres is attractive - but it seems like a bloody-big box!
Any suggestions/comments?
Fuzzy Duck
[This message has been edited by Fuzzy Duck (edited 27 December 2001).]
Fuzzy Duck
(I\'m quackers about bikes)