Originally Posted by goodwoodweirdo
So the standard spec states a maximum weight of 194kgs, I think with extra fuel and luggage for 2, I’ll be over this and possibly up-to +/- 225 kgs.
That would be the all up weight of the bike? Changing the shocks will not change the max weight of the vehicle .. that would be set by looking at the strength of the frame, swingarm, spokes, rims, etc etc .. not just the shocks.
Sorry .. but you need to know.
Good shocks, correctly set up will reduce the impact damage to the suspended parts of the bike .. but not the rims, spokes etc (the unsuspended bits).
Cargo trailers on the back of bike on dirt roads don't work too well .. well that has been my observation. Might be better to reduce the weight, send some things onwards to hotels and leave luxury items out. Take less parts, use newer ones on the bike before you go.
Regards Frank Warner
motorcycles BMW R80 G/S 1981, BMW K11LT 1993, BMW K75 G/S